Sunsun Li 李荪荪

Prof. Li got her BSc degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) in 2013, followed by a PhD degree from Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS, supervisor: Prof. Jianhui Hou) in 2018. After that, she received the grant from “National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents”, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher in ICCAS between 2018-2020. Prof. Li’s research interests are the design and synthesis of organic semiconducting materials, and the study of their photophysical properties. She has developed a series of high-performance p-type polymers and n-type small molecules, and produced some of the most efficient photovoltaic devices between 2016-2018. To date, she has published 46 papers in high-quality journals, such asJournal of American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials,andNature Materials. The total citations are over 8000 times (from Web of Science). The paper that reported the first organic photovoltaic device with over 12% efficiency (Adv. Mater.2016,28, 9423) is the most cited paper published by Wiley in 2017. The paper that reported the device with 14% efficiency fabricated by using a new polymeric donor (J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018,140, 7159) is selected as one of the Top 100 Most Influential International Academic Papers in China. She also received Excellent Scholarship of Director of Chines Academy of Sciences in 2018 and National Postdoctoral Program Excellent Innovation Achievement Award in 2020.